Our "Why"

Our passion is to help both for profit & non-profit businesses achieve their goals and thrive through simple, sound, solutions. Look, nobody ever said this was easy but it can be simple. Throughout the years we have built businesses through sound practices, simple approaches, and powerful branding and marketing! Most of all we believe the clients you serve deserve the best from your organization. You can do it and we want to help!

One on One

Let's talk. What do you want to achieve? Let's see if we fit. No cost to you for this one on one discovery time.

Your Goals

Dream big! Let's work together to clearly define what you want and where you want to go. Let's get into the weeds and name them.

Arrow Thin Line Symbol


Under your direction and at your pace, we'll draft and execute a plan to reach your goals. Our tools will allow you to choose how much you want to do or leave in our hands. Either way, you're in control.


Steps for success

Who We Are

We are a team that has a passion to see your organization succeed. Our collective 30 + years has equipped us to identify opportunities and solutions, and execute action plans to achieve your goal. We have proven methods to achieve it all.

Simple. Sound. Solutions.

Strategic Planning Concept

Budgeting, and Contract Management

Our Services

We focus on your needs with deliverable services. Please click on the links to the right for more information.


Fundraising & Development

Social Media Applications

Social media & website design. Content ​creation and management. Video production. ​SEO

Lindy Turner-Hardin

Lindy began her career in marketing & ​communications. After working in the private ​sector, Lindy served as a Public Information ​Officer for a County agency and dove deep ​into the world of child welfare - this became a ​passion which lead her to the non-profit ​sector. For the last 20 years Lindy served as ​Executive Director of the Child Abuse ​Prevention Council (CAPC), a local non-profit. ​In her tenure, she has led the CAPC to ​become a thriving, program driven agency ​that reaches thousands of children and ​families in the community. Lindy is a sound ​leader with the business acumen and insights ​to grow non-profits and help them thrive.

Gene Hardin

Gene began his career in communications through ​broadcasting and production. Over the last 30 ​years, he evolved those skills into helping ​strengthen both for profit and non-profits' abilities ​to communicate through many forms of media. He ​offers a wide range of knowledge in media ​including video production, shooting, editing, and ​producing as well as social media campaigns & ​branding from design to implementation and SEO. ​In 2010 Gene created and founded The Lisa ​Project - an exhibit that brings awareness and ​education to the world of child abuse. Through ​the use of interactive media, impact storytelling ​and an eye for design, Gene will help you take ​your organization to the next level of creativity ​and outreach.

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Stockton California, USA

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